
Ling Shu Acupuncture Book


Ling Shu Acupuncture 

Since the advent of Ling Shu, many authors have contributed to important interpretation of the original text for others to understand. However due to the complexity and depth of the text, there have been great discrepancies among the different interpretations, causing much confusion for acupuncture students and practitioners alike. Additionally, much of of the research have centered purely on the theoretical side, making the application of Ling Shu in a clinical setting virtually non-existent.

Ling Shu Acupuncture combines Ling Shu text and recognized principles to present acupuncture from a holistic clinical perspective.  The book also covers over 2000 years of acupuncture history and the evolution of acupuncture practice.  

Topics include:

Knowing these will enable acupuncture students and practitioners to understand and apply the teachings of Ling Shu in practice.


1. 將靈樞與素問中針灸相關論述放在一起,加以分析,從而全面地了解氣血,經脈,腧穴以及針刺技術理論。闢如,關於腧穴的四個特性﹕位置;與經脈的關系;功能;氣穴。這些內容分散在十几篇完全不相聯的篇章中。

2. 詳述了針刺中至關重要的人迎寸口脈及其臨床意義,并首次根據靈樞理論及臨床實踐,介紹了其脈診的具體 檢查方法。

3. 完整地闡述靈樞中的針刺理論。從何謂"氣至"得氣""到刺法的原則;從針刺深淺到留針時間;從針刺補瀉到補瀉之後客觀的觀察方法。

4. 完整地闡述了腧穴理論。不僅澄清了後世對 腧穴認識的錯誤。如十二原穴,絡穴;背腧穴等。同時,亦對後世發明的各類新穴,如八會 穴,奇穴等,加以分析、批判。

5. 詳細介紹了靈樞中誤針之害的論述,指出"針灸安全"的錯繆。


7. 以靈樞為依據,詳細分析了靈樞以後歷代針灸名著理論的錯謬。從難經一直到現今針灸教科書,跨越二千年針灸歷史。

Ling Shu Acupuncture 

Hardcover-July,1 2007 

By Zhao Wang (Author), Jun Wang (Author)


Free shipping within the United State.  $50 shipping charge added for purchase out-of-state


Hardcover-Dec,15 2005

By Zhao Wang(Author), Jun Wang(Author) 


Free shipping within the United State. $50 shipping charge added for purchase out-of-state